Alfonso Lanfranconi
Professional negotiator and civil mediator
Graduated in political science at the Università Statale of Milan; Chartered Accountant; civil and commercial trainer registered with the Ministry of Justice; certified family mediator
Each individual is unique and unrepeatable and cannot avoid entering into relationships with others. In the relationship, opposing forces are therefore created which can be generative or destructive; in the latter case conflict can arise, a conflict which is not necessarily negative but can be taken as an opportunity for growth. The reasons can be of different nature, from the most common ones linked to economic reasons, to those of cohabitation, of a sentimental nature.
Graduated in Political Sciences from the State University of Milan, Chartered Accountant and expert in business crises, since 2004 I have been dealing with conflict in all its forms, from mediation to negotiation.
Trainer in civil and commercial mediation registered with the Ministry of Justice, where I am also registered as a civil and commercial mediator. UNI and humanistic certified family mediator according to the model and trained by Jacqueline Morineau and appointed expert for business crises.
I have administered more than 1000 mediations, in particular in Rome and Milan in various subjects, and I also train conflict management and negotiation techniques at companies, public bodies, universities and schools of all levels.
- Sprints:
Negotiation and conflict management
- Individual sessions