Fabrizio Corgnati
Life and career coach
Graduated in mechanical engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin; professional life and career coach; enrolled in the register of publicists at the Order of Journalists.
I am a professional Life and Career Coach. I obtained the diploma as a professional coach by passing the Humanistic Coaching Master at the Italian School of Humanistic Coaching, founded by Luca Stanchieri in Rome, and I am affiliated with and recognized by the Italian Association of Professional Coaches.
"Coach", as you can guess from the English word itself, means "coach". But coach of what? Of human potential. My job consists precisely in this: in identifying, developing and bringing to expression the best qualities, resources and strengths of my clients.
Those that allow them not only to be more effective in achieving their personal and professional growth and improvement goals, but above all to be satisfied in doing so, to feel fully accomplished.
In this context, one of my specialties is the training of emotional intelligence, understood as a fundamental tool for getting in touch with one's deepest vocation and identifying one's authentic goals in life, in the relationship with work, with oneself and with the other people.
I also boast a degree in mechanical engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin, as well as the enrollment in the register of publicists at the Order of Journalists.
- Sprints:
Emotional intelligence
- Individual sessions